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An archive of some of the articles, essays, and speeches I've created over the years. 


For every item, just click on the image to open the document.

Daniel Aaron Levy MDU Article 2

Reflections and Resolutions

Published for the Medical Defence Union, the UK's largest medico-legal organisation

19 December 2023


In the second article that I was asked to write for the Medical Defence Union, I reflected on what I'd learned from medical school and shared personal insights that I'd learned for the benefit of others' outlook and mental health.



Daniel Aaron Levy MDU Article 2

Mental health as a fresher: advice from one student to another

Published for the Medical Defence Union, the UK's largest medico-legal organisation

17 October 2023


In the first article that I was asked to write for the Medical Defence Union, I shared some of the most important insight I'd learned about mental health, university life, how to effectively study, and getting involved. Although the article is tailored to first-year medical students, I think that the life lessons I try and communicate here can be useful for everyone. 



Daniel Aaron Levy PBUK

An experiential comparison of the wellbeing impact of the doctor-patient relationship between conventional and allopathic integrative healthcare systems: a case study

Scientific case study written for the University of Bristol in collaboration with Penny Brohn UK, a national cancer charity

03 January 2023


A formal, academic scientific paper drawing upon my experiences working with and learning from experts in Penny Brohn UK. A poster was made as part of this project illustrating the premises and conclusions of this study: it is attached here as a PDF. This paper was produced in accordance with University of Bristol Medical School guidelines and was a commended, highly-rated project.



Daniel Aaron Levy Changing Your Outlook

Becoming happier and less stressed by changing your mindset

Public speech delivered to the University of Bristol student body in collaboration with Project:Talk, a community-based mental health organisation 

16 March 2022


Drawing on personal experience, philosophy/psychology reading, and classic self-help books, I gave one of Project:Talk's most attended speeches ever- all about mental health. How we perceive the world and respond to situations is a massive part of wellbeing, and modalities of therapy like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy are all about working on that. I wanted to share what I'd learned with others to help make dealing with life just a little bit easier.



Daniel Aaron Levy BLM

‘Institutionalised Racism’ and What That Means. A History of Racism in the USA.

Summer 2020


This is an article I wrote during the time of the George Floyd & Black Lives Matter protests. It describes a history of racism in the USA from the c.1600 founding of the Jamestown colony to contemporary America in 2020, drawing upon this history to explore what 'institutionalised racism' actually is. It is written explicitly in condemnation of the institutionalised racism prevalent in (of course, not exclusively) the USA.



Daniel Aaron Levy Exercise

The neurophysiological impact of exercise on human equanimity and wellbeing

Scientific literature review written for the University of Bristol


A formal, academic paper produced in accordance with University of Bristol Medical School guidelines and a highly-commended project. The project also included a leaflet written for laymen (and an obverse side containing references). Both are attached to the right.


Daniel Aaron Levy Ophthalmology

An assessment of the efficacy of multifocal intraocular lenses used in cataract surgery in curing reading ametropia

Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School EPQ-equivalent project, prizewinner best in the year for medicine

31 May 2020


My secondary school, HABS (Sunday Times' Independent School of the Year 2017), ran an EPQ-equivalent project for sixth formers called the Aske Project. I wrote an ophthalmology essay for it, defended it before an examiner, and won a prize for the quality of my essay. The essay was used by the school as an exemplar essay for future cohorts. 



Daniel Aaron Levy Great Debate

'Should we judge historical figures by the values of today?'

Regional finalist and certificate winner of the Historical Association's national 'Great Debate' competition, in collaboration with the Goldsmiths University of London

08 December 2019


A speech I presented at the national Great Debate Competition 2019 arguing that historical figures needed to be judged relative to the normative values of their time. The speech won admission to the regional finalists' round and was the only admission from my school chosen to be accepted.



Daniel Aaron Levy Admiral's Cup

'European exploration in the Age of Discovery was made possible primarily by new technological advances.' Discuss.

The Haberdashers' Company HABS essay-writing competition, trophy winner essay of the 'Admiral's Cup'

Spring 2018​


An essay I wrote as a fifteen year old debating the question. The essay was open to all Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' and Girls' school students, totalling several thousand people. I won the competition and was given a trophy to commemorate it.



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